Source code for spotify.playlist

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import logging

import spotify
from spotify import compat, ffi, lib, serialized, utils

__all__ = ["Playlist", "PlaylistEvent", "PlaylistOfflineStatus"]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Playlist(utils.EventEmitter): """A Spotify playlist. You can get playlists from the :attr:`~Session.playlist_container`, :attr:`~Session.inbox`, :meth:`~Session.get_starred`, :meth:``, etc., or you can create a playlist yourself from a Spotify URI:: >>> session = spotify.Session() # ... >>> playlist = session.get_playlist( ... 'spotify:user:fiat500c:playlist:54k50VZdvtnIPt4d8RBCmZ') >>> playlist.load().name u'500C feelgood playlist' """ @classmethod @serialized def _cached(cls, session, sp_playlist, add_ref=True): """ Get :class:`Playlist` instance for the given ``sp_playlist``. If it already exists, it is retrieved from cache. Internal method. """ if sp_playlist in session._cache: return session._cache[sp_playlist] playlist = Playlist(session, sp_playlist=sp_playlist, add_ref=add_ref) session._cache[sp_playlist] = playlist return playlist @serialized def __init__(self, session, uri=None, sp_playlist=None, add_ref=True): super(Playlist, self).__init__() assert uri or sp_playlist, "uri or sp_playlist is required" self._session = session if uri is not None: sp_playlist = spotify.Link(self._session, uri)._as_sp_playlist() if sp_playlist is None: raise spotify.Error("Failed to get playlist from Spotify URI: %r" % uri) session._cache[sp_playlist] = self add_ref = False if add_ref: lib.sp_playlist_add_ref(sp_playlist) self._sp_playlist = ffi.gc(sp_playlist, lib.sp_playlist_release) self._sp_playlist_callbacks = None # Make sure we remove callbacks in __del__() using the same lib as we # added callbacks with. self._lib = lib def __del__(self): if not hasattr(self, "_lib"): return if getattr(self, "_sp_playlist_callbacks", None) is None: return self._lib.sp_playlist_remove_callbacks( self._sp_playlist, self._sp_playlist_callbacks, ffi.NULL ) def __repr__(self): if not self.is_loaded: return "Playlist(<not loaded>)" try: return "Playlist(%r)" % except spotify.Error as exc: return "Playlist(<error: %s>)" % exc def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self._sp_playlist == other._sp_playlist else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(self._sp_playlist) @property def is_loaded(self): """Whether the playlist's data is loaded.""" return bool(lib.sp_playlist_is_loaded(self._sp_playlist)) def load(self, timeout=None): """Block until the playlist's data is loaded. After ``timeout`` seconds with no results :exc:`~spotify.Timeout` is raised. If ``timeout`` is :class:`None` the default timeout is used. The method returns ``self`` to allow for chaining of calls. """ return utils.load(self._session, self, timeout=timeout) @property @serialized def tracks(self): """The playlist's tracks. Will always return an empty list if the playlist isn't loaded. """ if not self.is_loaded: return [] return _Tracks(self._session, self) @property @serialized def tracks_with_metadata(self): """The playlist's tracks, with metadata specific to the playlist as a a list of :class:`~spotify.PlaylistTrack` objects. Will always return an empty list if the playlist isn't loaded. """ if not self.is_loaded: return [] return _PlaylistTracks(self._session, self) @property @serialized def name(self): """The playlist's name. Assigning to :attr:`name` will rename the playlist. Will always return :class:`None` if the playlist isn't loaded. """ name = utils.to_unicode(lib.sp_playlist_name(self._sp_playlist)) return name if name else None @name.setter def name(self, new_name): self.rename(new_name) def rename(self, new_name): """Rename the playlist.""" spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_playlist_rename(self._sp_playlist, utils.to_char(new_name)) ) @property @serialized def owner(self): """The :class:`User` object for the owner of the playlist.""" return spotify.User( self._session, sp_user=lib.sp_playlist_owner(self._sp_playlist), add_ref=True, ) @property def collaborative(self): """Whether the playlist can be modified by all users or not. Set to :class:`True` or :class:`False` to change. """ return bool(lib.sp_playlist_is_collaborative(self._sp_playlist)) @collaborative.setter def collaborative(self, value): spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_playlist_set_collaborative(self._sp_playlist, int(value)) ) def set_autolink_tracks(self, link=True): """If a playlist is autolinked, unplayable tracks will be made playable by linking them to other Spotify tracks, where possible.""" spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_playlist_set_autolink_tracks(self._sp_playlist, int(link)) ) @property @serialized def description(self): """The playlist's description. Will return :class:`None` if the description is unset. """ description = lib.sp_playlist_get_description(self._sp_playlist) return utils.to_unicode_or_none(description) def image(self, callback=None): """The playlist's :class:`Image`. Due to limitations in libspotify's API you can't specify the :class:`ImageSize` of these images. If ``callback`` isn't :class:`None`, it is expected to be a callable that accepts a single argument, an :class:`Image` instance, when the image is done loading. Will always return :class:`None` if the playlist isn't loaded or the playlist has no image. """ image_id ="char[20]") has_image = bool(lib.sp_playlist_get_image(self._sp_playlist, image_id)) if not has_image: return None sp_image = lib.sp_image_create(self._session._sp_session, image_id) return spotify.Image( self._session, sp_image=sp_image, add_ref=False, callback=callback ) @property def has_pending_changes(self): """Check if the playlist has local changes that has not been acknowledged by the server yet. """ return bool(lib.sp_playlist_has_pending_changes(self._sp_playlist)) @serialized def add_tracks(self, tracks, index=None): """Add the given ``tracks`` to playlist at the given ``index``. ``tracks`` can either be a single :class:`~spotify.Track` or a list of :class:`~spotify.Track` objects. If ``index`` isn't specified, the tracks are added to the end of the playlist. """ if isinstance(tracks, spotify.Track): tracks = [tracks] if index is None: index = len(self.tracks) spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_playlist_add_tracks( self._sp_playlist, [t._sp_track for t in tracks], len(tracks), index, self._session._sp_session, ) ) def remove_tracks(self, indexes): """Remove the tracks at the given ``indexes`` from the playlist. ``indexes`` can be a single index or a list of indexes to remove. """ if isinstance(indexes, int): indexes = [indexes] indexes = list(set(indexes)) # Remove duplicates spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_playlist_remove_tracks(self._sp_playlist, indexes, len(indexes)) ) def reorder_tracks(self, indexes, new_index): """Move the tracks at the given ``indexes`` to a ``new_index`` in the playlist. ``indexes`` can be a single index or a list of indexes to move. ``new_index`` must be equal to or lower than the current playlist length. """ if isinstance(indexes, int): indexes = [indexes] indexes = list(set(indexes)) # Remove duplicates spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_playlist_reorder_tracks( self._sp_playlist, indexes, len(indexes), new_index ) ) @property def num_subscribers(self): """The number of subscribers to the playlist. The number can be higher than the length of the :attr:`subscribers` collection, especially if the playlist got many subscribers. May be zero until you call :meth:`update_subscribers` and the :attr:`~PlaylistEvent.SUBSCRIBERS_CHANGED` event is emitted from the playlist. """ return lib.sp_playlist_num_subscribers(self._sp_playlist) @property @serialized def subscribers(self): """The canonical usernames of up to 500 of the subscribers of the playlist. May be empty until you call :meth:`update_subscribers` and the :attr:`~PlaylistEvent.SUBSCRIBERS_CHANGED` event is emitted from the playlist. """ sp_subscribers = ffi.gc( lib.sp_playlist_subscribers(self._sp_playlist), lib.sp_playlist_subscribers_free, ) # The ``subscribers`` field is ``char *[1]`` according to the struct, # so we must cast it to ``char **`` to be able to access more than the # first subscriber. subscribers = ffi.cast("char **", sp_subscribers.subscribers) usernames = [] for i in range(sp_subscribers.count): usernames.append(utils.to_unicode(subscribers[i])) return usernames def update_subscribers(self): """Request an update of :attr:`num_subscribers` and the :attr:`subscribers` collection. The :attr:`~PlaylistEvent.SUBSCRIBERS_CHANGED` event is emitted from the playlist when the subscriber data has been updated. """ spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_playlist_update_subscribers( self._session._sp_session, self._sp_playlist ) ) @property def is_in_ram(self): """Whether the playlist is in RAM, and not only on disk. A playlist must *currently be* in RAM for tracks to be available. A playlist must *have been* in RAM for other metadata to be available. By default, playlists are kept in RAM unless :attr:`~spotify.Config.initially_unload_playlists` is set to :class:`True` before creating the :class:`~spotify.Session`. If the playlists are initially unloaded, use :meth:`set_in_ram` to have a playlist loaded into RAM. """ return bool( lib.sp_playlist_is_in_ram(self._session._sp_session, self._sp_playlist) ) def set_in_ram(self, in_ram=True): """Control whether or not to keep the playlist in RAM. See :attr:`is_in_ram` for further details. """ spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_playlist_set_in_ram( self._session._sp_session, self._sp_playlist, int(in_ram) ) ) def set_offline_mode(self, offline=True): """Mark the playlist to be synchronized for offline playback. The playlist must be in the current user's playlist container. """ spotify.Error.maybe_raise( lib.sp_playlist_set_offline_mode( self._session._sp_session, self._sp_playlist, int(offline) ) ) @property def offline_status(self): """The playlist's :class:`PlaylistOfflineStatus`.""" return PlaylistOfflineStatus( lib.sp_playlist_get_offline_status( self._session._sp_session, self._sp_playlist ) ) @property def offline_download_completed(self): """The download progress for an offline playlist. A number in the range 0-100. Always :class:`None` if :attr:`offline_status` isn't :attr:`PlaylistOfflineStatus.DOWNLOADING`. """ if self.offline_status != PlaylistOfflineStatus.DOWNLOADING: return None return int( lib.sp_playlist_get_offline_download_completed( self._session._sp_session, self._sp_playlist ) ) @property def link(self): """A :class:`Link` to the playlist.""" if not self.is_loaded: raise spotify.Error("The playlist must be loaded to create a link") sp_link = lib.sp_link_create_from_playlist(self._sp_playlist) if sp_link == ffi.NULL: if not self.is_in_ram: raise spotify.Error( "The playlist must have been in RAM to create a link" ) # XXX Figure out why we can still get NULL here even if # the playlist is both loaded and in RAM. raise spotify.Error("Failed to get link from Spotify playlist") return spotify.Link(self._session, sp_link=sp_link, add_ref=False) @serialized def on(self, event, listener, *user_args): if self._sp_playlist_callbacks is None: self._sp_playlist_callbacks = _PlaylistCallbacks.get_struct() lib.sp_playlist_add_callbacks( self._sp_playlist, self._sp_playlist_callbacks, ffi.NULL ) if self not in self._session._emitters: self._session._emitters.append(self) super(Playlist, self).on(event, listener, *user_args) on.__doc__ = utils.EventEmitter.on.__doc__ @serialized def off(self, event=None, listener=None): super(Playlist, self).off(event, listener) if self.num_listeners() == 0 and self in self._session._emitters: self._session._emitters.remove(self) off.__doc__ =
[docs]class PlaylistEvent(object): """Playlist events. Using :class:`Playlist` objects, you can register listener functions to be called when various events occurs in the playlist. This class enumerates the available events and the arguments your listener functions will be called with. Example usage:: import spotify def tracks_added(playlist, tracks, index): print('Tracks added to playlist') session = spotify.Session() # Login, etc... playlist = session.playlist_container[0] playlist.on(spotify.PlaylistEvent.TRACKS_ADDED, tracks_added) All events will cause debug log statements to be emitted, even if no listeners are registered. Thus, there is no need to register listener functions just to log that they're called. """ TRACKS_ADDED = "tracks_added" """Called when one or more tracks have been added to the playlist. :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param tracks: the added tracks :type tracks: list of :class:`Track` :param index: the index in the playlist the tracks were added at :type index: int """ TRACKS_REMOVED = "tracks_removed" """Called when one or more tracks have been removed from the playlist. :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param indexes: indexes of the tracks that were removed :type indexes: list of ints """ TRACKS_MOVED = "tracks_moved" """Called when one or more tracks have been moved within a playlist. :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param old_indexes: old indexes of the tracks that were moved :type old_indexes: list of ints :param new_index: the new index in the playlist the tracks were moved to :type new_index: int """ PLAYLIST_RENAMED = "playlist_renamed" """Called when the playlist has been renamed. :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` """ PLAYLIST_STATE_CHANGED = "playlist_state_changed" """Called when the state changed for a playlist. There are three states that trigger this callback: - Collaboration for this playlist has been turned on or off. See :meth:`Playlist.is_collaborative`. - The playlist started having pending changes, or all pending changes have now been committed. See :attr:`Playlist.has_pending_changes`. - The playlist started loading, or finished loading. See :attr:`Playlist.is_loaded`. :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` """ PLAYLIST_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS = "playlist_update_in_progress" """Called when a playlist is updating or is done updating. This is called before and after a series of changes are applied to the playlist. It allows e.g. the user interface to defer updating until the entire operation is complete. :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param done: if the update is completed :type done: bool """ PLAYLIST_METADATA_UPDATED = "playlist_metadata_updated" """Called when metadata for one or more tracks in the playlist have been updated. :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` """ TRACK_CREATED_CHANGED = "track_created_changed" """Called when the create time and/or creator for a playlist entry changes. :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param index: the index of the entry in the playlist that was changed :type index: int :param user: the user that created the playlist entry :type user: :class:`User` :param time: the time the entry was created, in seconds since Unix epoch :type time: int """ TRACK_SEEN_CHANGED = "track_seen_changed" """Called when the seen attribute of a playlist entry changes. :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param index: the index of the entry in the playlist that was changed :type index: int :param seen: whether the entry is seen or not :type seen: bool """ DESCRIPTION_CHANGED = "description_changed" """Called when the playlist description has changed. :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param description: the new description :type description: string """ IMAGE_CHANGED = "image_changed" """Called when the playlist image has changed. :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param image: the new image :type image: :class:`Image` """ TRACK_MESSAGE_CHANGED = "track_message_changed" """Called when the message attribute of a playlist entry changes. :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` :param index: the index of the entry in the playlist that was changed :type index: int :param message: the new message :type message: string """ SUBSCRIBERS_CHANGED = "subscribers_changed" """Called when playlist subscribers changes, either the count or the subscriber names. :param playlist: the playlist :type playlist: :class:`Playlist` """
class _PlaylistCallbacks(object): @classmethod def get_struct(cls): return "sp_playlist_callbacks *", { "tracks_added": cls.tracks_added, "tracks_removed": cls.tracks_removed, "tracks_moved": cls.tracks_moved, "playlist_renamed": cls.playlist_renamed, "playlist_state_changed": cls.playlist_state_changed, "playlist_update_in_progress": cls.playlist_update_in_progress, "playlist_metadata_updated": cls.playlist_metadata_updated, "track_created_changed": cls.track_created_changed, "track_seen_changed": cls.track_seen_changed, "description_changed": cls.description_changed, "image_changed": cls.image_changed, "track_message_changed": cls.track_message_changed, "subscribers_changed": cls.subscribers_changed, }, ) # XXX Avoid use of the spotify._session_instance global in the following # callbacks. @staticmethod @ffi.callback( "void(sp_playlist *playlist, sp_track **tracks, int num_tracks, " "int position, void *userdata)" ) def tracks_added(sp_playlist, sp_tracks, num_tracks, index, userdata): logger.debug("Tracks added to playlist") playlist = Playlist._cached( spotify._session_instance, sp_playlist, add_ref=True ) tracks = [ spotify.Track( spotify._session_instance, sp_track=sp_tracks[i], add_ref=True ) for i in range(num_tracks) ] playlist.emit(PlaylistEvent.TRACKS_ADDED, playlist, tracks, int(index)) @staticmethod @ffi.callback( "void(sp_playlist *playlist, int *tracks, int num_tracks, " "void *userdata)" ) def tracks_removed(sp_playlist, tracks, num_tracks, userdata): logger.debug("Tracks removed from playlist") playlist = Playlist._cached( spotify._session_instance, sp_playlist, add_ref=True ) tracks = [int(tracks[i]) for i in range(num_tracks)] playlist.emit(PlaylistEvent.TRACKS_REMOVED, playlist, tracks) @staticmethod @ffi.callback( "void(sp_playlist *playlist, int *tracks, int num_tracks, " "int position, void *userdata)" ) def tracks_moved(sp_playlist, old_indexes, num_tracks, new_index, userdata): logger.debug("Tracks moved within playlist") playlist = Playlist._cached( spotify._session_instance, sp_playlist, add_ref=True ) old_indexes = [int(old_indexes[i]) for i in range(num_tracks)] playlist.emit(PlaylistEvent.TRACKS_MOVED, playlist, old_indexes, int(new_index)) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_playlist *playlist, void *userdata)") def playlist_renamed(sp_playlist, userdata): logger.debug("Playlist renamed") playlist = Playlist._cached( spotify._session_instance, sp_playlist, add_ref=True ) playlist.emit(PlaylistEvent.PLAYLIST_RENAMED, playlist) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_playlist *playlist, void *userdata)") def playlist_state_changed(sp_playlist, userdata): logger.debug("Playlist state changed") playlist = Playlist._cached( spotify._session_instance, sp_playlist, add_ref=True ) playlist.emit(PlaylistEvent.PLAYLIST_STATE_CHANGED, playlist) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_playlist *playlist, bool done, void *userdata)") def playlist_update_in_progress(sp_playlist, done, userdata): logger.debug("Playlist update in progress") playlist = Playlist._cached( spotify._session_instance, sp_playlist, add_ref=True ) playlist.emit(PlaylistEvent.PLAYLIST_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS, playlist, bool(done)) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_playlist *playlist, void *userdata)") def playlist_metadata_updated(sp_playlist, userdata): logger.debug("Playlist metadata updated") playlist = Playlist._cached( spotify._session_instance, sp_playlist, add_ref=True ) playlist.emit(PlaylistEvent.PLAYLIST_METADATA_UPDATED, playlist) @staticmethod @ffi.callback( "void(sp_playlist *playlist, int position, sp_user *user, " "int when, void *userdata)" ) def track_created_changed(sp_playlist, index, sp_user, when, userdata): logger.debug("Playlist track created changed") playlist = Playlist._cached( spotify._session_instance, sp_playlist, add_ref=True ) user = spotify.User(spotify._session_instance, sp_user=sp_user, add_ref=True) playlist.emit( PlaylistEvent.TRACK_CREATED_CHANGED, playlist, int(index), user, int(when), ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback( "void(sp_playlist *playlist, int position, bool seen, void *userdata)" ) def track_seen_changed(sp_playlist, index, seen, userdata): logger.debug("Playlist track seen changed") playlist = Playlist._cached( spotify._session_instance, sp_playlist, add_ref=True ) playlist.emit( PlaylistEvent.TRACK_SEEN_CHANGED, playlist, int(index), bool(seen) ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_playlist *playlist, char *desc, void *userdata)") def description_changed(sp_playlist, desc, userdata): logger.debug("Playlist description changed") playlist = Playlist._cached( spotify._session_instance, sp_playlist, add_ref=True ) playlist.emit( PlaylistEvent.DESCRIPTION_CHANGED, playlist, utils.to_unicode(desc) ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_playlist *playlist, byte *image, void *userdata)") def image_changed(sp_playlist, image_id, userdata): logger.debug("Playlist image changed") playlist = Playlist._cached( spotify._session_instance, sp_playlist, add_ref=True ) sp_image = lib.sp_image_create(spotify._session_instance._sp_session, image_id) image = spotify.Image( spotify._session_instance, sp_image=sp_image, add_ref=False ) playlist.emit(PlaylistEvent.IMAGE_CHANGED, playlist, image) @staticmethod @ffi.callback( "void(sp_playlist *playlist, int position, char *message, " "void *userdata)" ) def track_message_changed(sp_playlist, index, message, userdata): logger.debug("Playlist track message changed") playlist = Playlist._cached( spotify._session_instance, sp_playlist, add_ref=True ) playlist.emit( PlaylistEvent.TRACK_MESSAGE_CHANGED, playlist, int(index), utils.to_unicode(message), ) @staticmethod @ffi.callback("void(sp_playlist *playlist, void *userdata)") def subscribers_changed(sp_playlist, userdata): logger.debug("Playlist subscribers changed") playlist = Playlist._cached( spotify._session_instance, sp_playlist, add_ref=True ) playlist.emit(PlaylistEvent.SUBSCRIBERS_CHANGED, playlist)
[docs]@utils.make_enum("SP_PLAYLIST_OFFLINE_STATUS_") class PlaylistOfflineStatus(utils.IntEnum): pass
class _Tracks(utils.Sequence, compat.MutableSequence): def __init__(self, session, playlist): self._session = session self._playlist = playlist return super(_Tracks, self).__init__( sp_obj=playlist._sp_playlist, add_ref_func=lib.sp_playlist_add_ref, release_func=lib.sp_playlist_release, len_func=lib.sp_playlist_num_tracks, getitem_func=self.get_track, ) @serialized def get_track(self, sp_playlist, key): return spotify.Track( self._session, sp_track=lib.sp_playlist_track(sp_playlist, key), add_ref=True, ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): # Required by if not isinstance(key, (int, slice)): raise TypeError( "list indices must be int or slice, not %s" % key.__class__.__name__ ) if isinstance(key, slice): if not isinstance(value, compat.Iterable): raise TypeError("can only assign an iterable") if isinstance(key, int): if not 0 <= key < self.__len__(): raise IndexError("list index out of range") key = slice(key, key + 1) value = [value] for i, val in enumerate(value, key.start): self._playlist.add_tracks(val, index=i) key = slice(key.start + len(value), key.stop + len(value), key.step) del self[key] def __delitem__(self, key): # Required by if isinstance(key, slice): start, stop, step = key.indices(self.__len__()) indexes = range(start, stop, step) for i in reversed(sorted(indexes)): self._playlist.remove_tracks(i) return if not isinstance(key, int): raise TypeError( "list indices must be int or slice, not %s" % key.__class__.__name__ ) if not 0 <= key < self.__len__(): raise IndexError("list index out of range") self._playlist.remove_tracks(key) def insert(self, index, value): # Required by self[index:index] = [value] class _PlaylistTracks(_Tracks): @serialized def get_track(self, sp_playlist, key): return spotify.PlaylistTrack(self._session, sp_playlist, key)