Source code for spotify.toplist

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import logging
import threading

import spotify
from spotify import ffi, lib, serialized, utils

__all__ = ["Toplist", "ToplistRegion", "ToplistType"]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Toplist(object): """A Spotify toplist of artists, albums or tracks that are currently most popular worldwide or in a specific region. Call the :meth:`~Session.get_toplist` method on your :class:`Session` instance to get a :class:`Toplist` back. """ type = None """A :class:`ToplistType` instance that specifies what kind of toplist this is: top artists, top albums, or top tracks. Changing this field has no effect on existing toplists. """ region = None """Either a :class:`ToplistRegion` instance, or a 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code, that specifies the geographical region this toplist is for. Changing this field has no effect on existing toplists. """ canonical_username = None """If :attr:`region` is :attr:`ToplistRegion.USER`, then this field specifies which user the toplist is for. Changing this field has no effect on existing toplists. """ loaded_event = None """:class:`threading.Event` that is set when the toplist is loaded.""" def __init__( self, session, type=None, region=None, canonical_username=None, callback=None, sp_toplistbrowse=None, add_ref=True, ): assert ( type is not None and region is not None ) or sp_toplistbrowse, "type and region, or sp_toplistbrowse, is required" self._session = session self.type = type self.region = region self.canonical_username = canonical_username self.loaded_event = threading.Event() if sp_toplistbrowse is None: if isinstance(region, ToplistRegion): region = int(region) else: region = utils.to_country_code(region) handle = ffi.new_handle((self._session, self, callback)) self._session._callback_handles.add(handle) sp_toplistbrowse = lib.sp_toplistbrowse_create( self._session._sp_session, int(type), region, utils.to_char_or_null(canonical_username), _toplistbrowse_complete_callback, handle, ) add_ref = False if add_ref: lib.sp_toplistbrowse_add_ref(sp_toplistbrowse) self._sp_toplistbrowse = ffi.gc(sp_toplistbrowse, lib.sp_toplistbrowse_release) def __repr__(self): return "Toplist(type=%r, region=%r, canonical_username=%r)" % ( self.type, self.region, self.canonical_username, ) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self._sp_toplistbrowse == other._sp_toplistbrowse else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(self._sp_toplistbrowse) @property def is_loaded(self): """Whether the toplist's data is loaded yet.""" return bool(lib.sp_toplistbrowse_is_loaded(self._sp_toplistbrowse)) def load(self, timeout=None): """Block until the user's data is loaded. After ``timeout`` seconds with no results :exc:`~spotify.Timeout` is raised. If ``timeout`` is :class:`None` the default timeout is used. The method returns ``self`` to allow for chaining of calls. """ return utils.load(self._session, self, timeout=timeout) @property def error(self): """An :class:`ErrorType` associated with the toplist. Check to see if there was problems creating the toplist. """ return spotify.ErrorType(lib.sp_toplistbrowse_error(self._sp_toplistbrowse)) @property def backend_request_duration(self): """The time in ms that was spent waiting for the Spotify backend to create the toplist. Returns ``-1`` if the request was served from local cache. Returns :class:`None` if the toplist isn't loaded yet. """ if not self.is_loaded: return None return lib.sp_toplistbrowse_backend_request_duration(self._sp_toplistbrowse) @property @serialized def tracks(self): """The tracks in the toplist. Will always return an empty list if the toplist isn't loaded. """ spotify.Error.maybe_raise(self.error) if not self.is_loaded: return [] @serialized def get_track(sp_toplistbrowse, key): return spotify.Track( self._session, sp_track=lib.sp_toplistbrowse_track(sp_toplistbrowse, key), add_ref=True, ) return utils.Sequence( sp_obj=self._sp_toplistbrowse, add_ref_func=lib.sp_toplistbrowse_add_ref, release_func=lib.sp_toplistbrowse_release, len_func=lib.sp_toplistbrowse_num_tracks, getitem_func=get_track, ) @property @serialized def albums(self): """The albums in the toplist. Will always return an empty list if the toplist isn't loaded. """ spotify.Error.maybe_raise(self.error) if not self.is_loaded: return [] @serialized def get_album(sp_toplistbrowse, key): return spotify.Album( self._session, sp_album=lib.sp_toplistbrowse_album(sp_toplistbrowse, key), add_ref=True, ) return utils.Sequence( sp_obj=self._sp_toplistbrowse, add_ref_func=lib.sp_toplistbrowse_add_ref, release_func=lib.sp_toplistbrowse_release, len_func=lib.sp_toplistbrowse_num_albums, getitem_func=get_album, ) @property @serialized def artists(self): """The artists in the toplist. Will always return an empty list if the toplist isn't loaded. """ spotify.Error.maybe_raise(self.error) if not self.is_loaded: return [] @serialized def get_artist(sp_toplistbrowse, key): return spotify.Artist( self._session, sp_artist=lib.sp_toplistbrowse_artist(sp_toplistbrowse, key), add_ref=True, ) return utils.Sequence( sp_obj=self._sp_toplistbrowse, add_ref_func=lib.sp_toplistbrowse_add_ref, release_func=lib.sp_toplistbrowse_release, len_func=lib.sp_toplistbrowse_num_artists, getitem_func=get_artist, )
@ffi.callback("void(sp_toplistbrowse *, void *)") @serialized def _toplistbrowse_complete_callback(sp_toplistbrowse, handle): logger.debug("toplistbrowse_complete_callback called") if handle == ffi.NULL: logger.warning( "pyspotify toplistbrowse_complete_callback " "called without userdata" ) return (session, toplist, callback) = ffi.from_handle(handle) session._callback_handles.remove(handle) toplist.loaded_event.set() if callback is not None: callback(toplist)
[docs]@utils.make_enum("SP_TOPLIST_REGION_") class ToplistRegion(utils.IntEnum): pass
[docs]@utils.make_enum("SP_TOPLIST_TYPE_") class ToplistType(utils.IntEnum): pass